yang merupakan tabel yang melacak asteroid berpotensi berbahaya. NASA terus memantau pergerakan asteroid ini hingga April 2025, sebelum menjadi terlalu redup untuk diamati. Penting untuk dicatat bahwa ...
An asteroid gaining notoriety for its potential to collide with Earth in 2032 was estimated Tuesday to have roughly a 3% chance of striking our planet — the highest probability ever assigned ...
Saat ini, yang paling penting adalah memantau pergerakan asteroid 2024 YR4 dan memastikan strategi terbaik untuk menghindari dampak yang tidak diinginkan bagi kehidupan di Bumi.
An asteroid nearly the size of a football field now has roughly a 0.004% chance of hitting Earth in about eight years, NASA says — with the space agency saying it "no longer poses a significant ...
Asteroid ini memiliki kemungkinan sekitar 2 persen untuk menabrak Bumi pada tahun 2032. Meskipun kemungkinan tersebut tergolong rendah, para ilmuwan tetap berusaha untuk mengumpulkan data lebih lanjut ...
A recently discovered asteroid, named 2024 YR4, is now the riskiest asteroid ever detected. On Tuesday, NASA calculated that the space rock had a 3.1% chance of hitting Earth in 2032, while the Eu ...
Update: The odds of asteroid 2024 YR4 striking Earth in 2032 have fallen to 1.5%, NASA announced Wednesday. Read the latest. The risk that an increasingly ominous asteroid dubbed 2024 YR4 will ...
An asteroid's chances of hitting the Earth in 2032 have risen again to over 3%. Experts say not to worry for now, as chances the asteroid will miss the Earth stand at nearly 97%. Astronomers now ...
An asteroid has a small chance of hitting Earth less than eight years from now, and astronomers are enlisting the help of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope to study it. Characterized as a ...
The narrow difference is due to the two agencies’ use of different tools for determining the asteroid’s orbit and modeling its potential impact. But both percentages rise above the 2.7% chance ...