Neoliberalism is a sprawling, contentious, difficult economic and political concept that can be hard to pin down because it shapes our lives in so many ways. Sometimes it can seem to describe ...
Our tent is too small.” The left, he added, “has never fully grappled with the wreckage of fifty years of neoliberalism,” and should become “less judgmental,” he concluded. Elected to ...
Moreover, he said, “endorsing utilitarian deregulation and global neoliberalism means imposing the law of the strongest as the only rule; and it is a law that dehumanizes.” He noted that the ...
Kyiv, February 2025. Andrii has arranged to meet me in a bar in Pozniaky, a district of Kyiv on the so-called “Left Bank” of the Dnieper, the river that flows through the Ukrainian capital. The “Right ...
7, No. 2, 2019 It's Capitalism, Stupid!: The Theoretica... It's Capitalism, Stupid!: The Theoretical and Political Limitations of the Concept of Neoliberalism This is the metadata section. Skip to ...
Neoliberalism is often misunderstood, but it is very important to understand this ideology that has dominated global ...
I argue that Parable is a Black feminist crip theorization of political economy that diagnoses the disabling conditions of precarity under neoliberalism and also prescribes collectivity for crip and ...
The course not only considers neoliberalism as a crucial factor that has brought media industries such as private broadcasting stations, mobile phone companies and digital platforms into existence but ...
Essential digital access to quality FT journalism on any device. Pay a year upfront and save 20%. Complete digital access to quality FT journalism with expert analysis from industry leaders. Pay a ...
THE revelation that HMRC had to pay nearly £87,000 in compensation payments to claimants wrongly denied benefits by contractor Concentrix serves as a warning not to believe private-sector superiority ...
However, in its efforts to improve its geopolitical standing and encourage foreign investment, the interim government led by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is largely continuing, or even extending, the ...