A scientific discovery that could transform the study of warp drive is now under wraps at the U.S. Defense Advanced Research ...
Here is what happens to the body after it spends a prolonged amount of time in space, following doctor's sad admission about ...
Interstellar travel is not for humans as the timescale is well beyond a human lifespan, but celestial bodies, such as asteroids and comets, can travel from star system to star system. Humanity has ...
Wormholes have been popularized in science fiction, from the film 'Interstellar' to the series 'Stargate' and 'Star Trek'. These mysterious portals could be the key to traveling vast distances ...
Christopher Nolan's sci-fi masterpiece Interstellar shares similar themes as great literary works like Carl Sagan's Contact ...
It could be that our future descendants discover an alternative way to stabilize wormholes and allow for interstellar travel. But the amount of time it might take to uncover the necessary ...
"The lightsail will travel faster than any previous spacecraft, with potential to eventually open interstellar distances to direct spacecraft exploration." Scientists at the California Institute ...
Though in early stages, this concept shows interstellar travel within human lifetimes is possible, bridging the gap between science fiction and achievable science. 'Forest apocalypse': A tiny ...