Her invention, the ‘Data Secretary’, a machine ... under a microscope and saw tiny hooks that latched onto fabric, inspiring him to create a new way to fasten things. He spent years developing ...
What happened on January 28 in world history? Here are 4 events worth remembering. ESPN and MLB to end their decades-long relationship after 2025 season Tony Robbins warns Americans on Roth IRA ...
In this STEM lesson, students will watch the PBS NewsHour video, "Could genetically engineered mice reduce Lyme disease?", and design their own inventions that could help solve public health issues ...
De Mestral was curious: Why did the burr seed pods stick to fur and fabric? The answer he found inspired him to invent a special new material … one that you may use every day! Hold a burr seed pod in ...
The Australian Science and Mathematics student is working on two projects after winning a $5000 grant to build prototypes of a voice-controlled wheelchair and what Kaviya calls a “texting plant ...