Illinois motorists already pay among the highest gas taxes in the country and legislation at the statehouse could make that ...
An Illinois representative has introduced legislation for a road mileage tax as the state sees less revenue from the gas tax ...
Tracking people every moment they're driving sounds like more surveillance that the public won't welcome. A "road usage ...
Under proposed legislation, Illinois would explore the viability of reducing reliance on the state's gas tax by putting in ...
Despite Illinois having the second-highest road infrastructure tax in the country, its roads ranked 36th out of 50 states in ...
There's a proposal in Springfield that could eventually lead to a different way to pay for roadwork in Illinois.
There’s another push in Springfield to tax motorists by the mile. Illinoisans already pay the second-highest gas taxes in the nation behind only California.
Illinois eyes taxing drivers by the mile rather than by the gallon of gas- “Under proposed legislation, Illinois would explore the ...
Illinois lawmakers are considering a road usage charge pilot program as the state grapples with declining gas tax revenues.
As engines become more fuel efficient, and electric vehicles make greater inroads, Illinois faces an unexpected consequence — less funding for roads.
and electric vehicles make greater inroads , Illinois faces an unexpected consequence — less funding for roads. The motor fuel tax helps pay for road, bridge and public transit improvements ...