More information: Yulong Zhang et al, Earth's record-high greenness and its attributions in 2020, Remote Sensing of Environment (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2024.114494 Provided by Duke University ...
The year 2020 marked a turning point for terrestrial vegetation ... It also shows the resilience of the Earth, while reminding us of the need for sustainable management of our ecosystems. Terrestrial ...
Mother Earth is clearly urging a call to action. Nature is suffering. Oceans filling with plastic and turning more acidic. Extreme heat, wildfires and floods, have affected millions of people.
The strength of the Earth’s magnetic field ranges between 25,000 and 65,000 nano-Tesla (nT) with values of 31-58,000 nT between the equator and 50 degrees latitude.