An inverted American flag, which was displayed at Yosemite National Park in February 2025, is a historic symbol of dire distress.
A photograph accurately shows a U.S. "distress" flag hung upside down from the side of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park by a group of employees.
Traditionally, hanging the American flag upside down symbolizes a distress call. Gavin Carpenter, a maintenance mechanic with Yosemite, spoke to the San Francisco Chronicle on Saturday and said he ...
By Michael Levenson A small group of protesters hung an inverted American flag — historically used as a sign of distress — off ... Park Service. The upside-down flag drew widespread attention ...
The U.S. Flag Code states that the American flag should never be upside down "except ... Once a signal of distress for sailors, the inverted flag has been used a symbol of protest by both the ...
Pfleger announced the church would fly the American flag upside-down: traditionally a sign of distress. Organizers said the upside-down flag is a symbol that America is in a state of emergency ...
An American flag ... of why America is in distress,” he said. “This is not normal. This is not acceptable. And we will rise up, and we will resist.” An upside-down flag signals distress ...
open image in gallery American flag flies upside down at a home ... the upside-down flag represented an apolitical symbol of distress or national threat. It has been appropriated by both the ...
Nature lovers flock to Yosemite National Park every February to witness the majestic “firefall” event, but this year’s crowds were met a different spectacle: an upside-down American flag ...
Flying a flag upside down is traditionally a sign of "dire distress," the United States Flag Code states. The symbol of protest ... which are every American’s properties," Gavin Carpenter ...
The St. Sabina Church community raised an upside-down ... distress.” Lane Knox, another veteran who served in the Air Force as a jet engine mechanic, said she’s always respected the American ...